Under the creative leadership of an acclaimed Chicago-based artist Vladimir Kharitonsky, Studio Finesse celebrates its 10th year as a premium decorative painting destination. Studio Finesse stands out from other creative services because of its vast network of European-trained artists. This allows the company to employ the truly best craftsmen for the job.
Among the many services offered by Studio Finesse are custom murals, frescoes, tromp l’œil, Venetian Stucco, lime washing, glazing and a palette of faux finishing techniques. Each project, from immaculately executed basic painting to historically inspired frescoes will continuously surprise and delight its clients, which include nationally recognized interior designers and architects as well as builders and private customers.
One of the definitions of the word “finesse” is “refinement and delicacy of performance, execution or artisanship.” This is also the guiding principle of Studio Finesse—the company’s primary focus is on individualized approach to artistic decoration that is performed by collaborative effort of skilled artists.
Through the fusion of meticulous historical research and years of hands-on experience, the work of Studio Finesse represents the best of Old World traditions and modern esthetics. The company’s selection of project materials echoes this approach: along with cutting edge paint products available in the market today, Studio Finesse is proud to use environmentally friendly materials that have been used for centuries by master artists in Europe and that are ideally suitable for a contemporary home.
The most sought-after services offered by the company are commissioned works of fine art by XB (Vladimir Kharitonsky). Classically trained Kharitonsky brings his unique vision, skills, and originality to every project in order to capture the ideas of his clients. His works adorn private collections in Europe and across the United States.